Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
This pair of buzzards were circling overhead. I had to time it just right to get a shot when they were close enough for a tight framing.
@wwtslimbridge is home to plenty of flamingos, and they can can either look very graceful or completely goofy depending on how you frame your shot!Fun fact: a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance 🤩
This black-headed gull at @wwtslimbridge was sat very patiently on top of a wooden post, while kids were running all around underneath it -- a bird with such nerves is the perfect target for a photographer! I could get so close I didn't really need my wildlife telephoto lens...
Black birds, like this Western Jackdaw at @wwtslimbridge are difficult to photograph because they're just so dark. You can increase the "shadows" in software like Lightroom, and this helps to reveal details normally hidden from view.
I spied this pied avocet in the Waterscapes Aviary at @wwtslimbridge.
Black birds, like this Rook at @wwtslimbridge are difficult to photograph because they're just so dark. You can increase the "shadows" in software like Lightroom, and this helps to reveal details normally hidden from view.