A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
A trip to London (without Juno!) to see War of the Worlds: The Immersive Experience..
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
Summer holiday in North Norfolk with Dexter and his family. July 2024.
I wanted to try out a new variable neutral density filter, so trekked over to the Tresham Waterfall on the Cotswold Way. "Waterfall" is a very generous description, so to make it look a bit better I put the camera close to the ground (enough to get a little splashed, but Nikon kit is tough). The neutral density filter allowed me to use a long shutter speed, which makes the flowing water look quite smooth and dreamy.
Day trip to Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean.
Day trip to Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean.
Day trip to Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean.
Day trip to Puzzlewood in the Forest of Dean.